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Dow to sponsor Swiss packaging institute
Posted January 27, 2012

SCHAFFHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND (Jan. 27, 12:15 p.m. ET) -- Dow Performance Packaging is one of the sponsors of the IPI International Packaging Institute in Schaffhausen. The decision to get involved is a result of the company’s move to increase its relations with “the packaging value chain.”

“Of course we continue to have strong focus on customer satisfaction and provide our customers with the right quality products at the right time,” said Julia Schlenz, performance packaging marketing manager at Midland, Mich.-based Dow.

“At the same time however, we need to ensure that we develop successful packaging solutions that address tomorrow’s challenges. In order to fully understand future requirements, it is crucial to us, to engage with multiple parties along the value chain and understand potential issues right where they occur.

“Through a quality institute like IPI, we gain access and have the opportunity to engage in new and promising dialogues.”

As a sponsor, Dow Performance Packaging plans to become an active participant at IPI events and workshops.

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