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Wisconsin Film and Bag expansion gets green light
Posted February 21, 2012

SHAWANO, WIS. (Feb. 21, 11:30 a.m. ET) -- A planned expansion at Shawano-based Wisconsin Film and Bag has been given the green light after a building permit denial was overturned, according to a Feb. 14 news release.

The Shawano Board of Appeals permitted the polyethylene bag and film manufacturer to go ahead with a facility expansion of 11,000 square feet. The expansion was stifled by building inspector Mike Miller’s adherence to City Code, which requires structures to be a minimum of 25 feet from the side lot lines.

Wisconsin Film and Bag will be within 10 feet of the eastern boundary, but the adjacent property is 40 feet from the property line, allowing enough room for emergency vehicles. Miller was concerned about the possibility of the other property expanding in the future.

Miller said his decision to deny the permit was based solely on the code and he had no qualms with the project moving forward, according to the news release. The board’s vote to overturn the decision was unanimous.

As a result of the expansion, the company will gain 24-28 employees, bringing the total to more than 150. In addition to people, the company will add five extruders that will run continuously.

Jim Feeney, president of Wisconsin Film and Bag, said the expansion has been in the works for two years. The company decided to expand its Shawano facility in lieu of building a satellite location in another state.

Wisconsin Film and Bag creates a range of products such as large polyethylene pallet covers, plain polyethylene film and bags for shrinking products and layflat bags for food and parts.

According to a Plastics News ranking of film and sheet manufacturers, Wisconsin Film and Bag earned an estimated $42 million in sales in 2010.

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