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Haitian to introduce Venus II and Jupiter II machines
  By Bill Bregar
Published: July 17, 2013 3:20 pm ET
The Chinese injection giant Haitian International Holdings Ltd. once again will have the solar system covered at K 2013.
Haitian will roll out a bunch of machinery news: the Venus II series, now available in four new clamping forces up to 550 metric tons and the Jupiter II series of two-platen machines, with the world premier of the 550-tonne size.
All together, Haitian will mold parts on four live exhibits.
A high-speed version of the Venus II will mold coffee stir sticks on a 24-cavity mold at a cycle time of 2.9 seconds.
The Jupiter II will turn out engine covers on a two-cavity mold every 43 seconds. The drive system has a direct connection between the servo motor and the gear pump, to precisely regulate rotational speed and extremely fast response times. Haitian plans to introduce other smaller-tonnage Jupiters in 2014. The company shipped more than 100 Jupiter II presses to customers in China after the first few months of 2014.
The Ningbo-based company also will show a Zhafir Mercury press running cable ties on an eight-cavity mold. The side plates turn into tie bars to achieve 70 percent mold surface. The machine design is about 30 percent slimmer.’
Finally, the Mars II eco series, sporting a servo-hydraulic drive, will mold a transparent case on a 24-second cycle.
Haitian’s North American operation, Absolute Haitian Corp. is in Worcester, Mass.
Tel. 508-459-5372, email gfrohring@absolutehaitian.com.
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